The Manchester Guardian Nr. 19428 veröffentlicht auf S. 4 einen Leserbrief, der sich auf einen Beitrag zu [Mendelssohns "Paulus"?] bezieht, in der offensichtlich moderne Chorwerke nicht gut beurteilt worden waren:
To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian.
Sir,–One would not do "Old Owensian" the injustice of treating seriously his remarks as to Strauss, but his letter is a typical expression of the unreasoning attitude frequently assumed towards choral art. Such people appear to think that the last word in choral music has been said by Mendelssohn and his contemporaries.
[... Gedankenexperiment (vor 60 Jahren) ... Tradition der Chöre kennt die Entwicklung der Chormusik zu wenig ...].
One thing is quite certain–that the newer movement is largely responsible for the growing dissatisfaction with the slipshod performances which at times have been heard at Hallé choral concerts; the Bruckner "Te Deum" and the Bach Motet at the final concert of the jubilee season [12.3.1908] were distinctly discreditable, probably owing to inadequate rehearsal and overwork, and the only cure for that is fewer choral concerts and more painstaking rehearsal. [...].–Yours, &c.,
November 11."
Vorausgegangen war ein am 11.11.1908 veröffentlichter Leserbrief.
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190811135, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11