zurück 24.9.1911, Sonntag ID: 191109245

Bruckner wird als Lehrer erwähnt in The Buffalo Sunday Morning News Nr. 41 auf S. 36:
"           New Musical Education.
    The following extract from the London Musical News on Jacques-Dalcros and his rhymical [sic] gymnastics, is of interest in view of the great and increasing attention paid to this most remarkable of modern educational methods in music in important musical centres abroad. [... Amy Graham als erste amerikanische Kursteilnehmerin 1908/09 in Genf ...].
     A demonstration of the rhythmical gymnastics was given by Miss Graham at the recent convention of the New York State Music Teachers' Association, meeting in Buffalo last June. Jacques-Dalcroze though born in Vienna, is a Swiss and is now 46 years of age. He is a pupil of Fuchs, Bruckner and Delibes and in addition to his great work as a pedagogue, he has found time to do composing, writing works that take a very high rank in orchestral, chamber music and song literature, as well as others for the stage. Completing his studies, he became a professor of the conservatory at Geneva." (*).
The Boston Globe Nr. 86 kündigt auf S. 39 die Aufführungen der 7. und 8. Symphonie in der kommenden Saison an:
"                  MUSIC AND MUSICIANS
              Symphony Novelties For Season.
     The management of the Boston symphony orchestra has made public the list of Works from which Mr Fiedler will make up his programs this season. There are 59 composers named [...  davon 38 Novitäten, darunter Mahler, Debussa, Max Reger, Elgar etc. ...].
     From Richard Strauss there will be four tone poems [...] and the love scene from "Feuersnot." There will be the seventh and eighth symphonies of Bruckner and from Brahms symphonies two and four, the "Tragic" overture and the Variations on a theme by Haydn.
     Foremost among the Russians, Tschaikowsky has been drawn upon [... weitere Werke, auch Klassiker ... Kartenvorverkauf ...]." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191109245, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191109245
letzte Änderung: Sep 23, 2024, 6:06