zurück 28.4.1912, Sonntag ID: 191204285

Der seit dem 19.1.1912 bekannte Begleittext zu einer Operettentournee erscheint nun auch in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Nr. 118 auf S. 27 (= S. 3 des Theaterteils):
The Name of Strauss Has Been Associated With Good Music for Two Centuries.
     The coming of Fritzi Scheff to the Majestic Theater [...  ab 29.4.1912 in der "Fledermaus" ... Joseph Strauß im 17. Jahrhundert ... Johann Strauß Vater ... Johann Strauß Sohn ...]. Wagner considered the Strauss waltzes, "very fine, masterly music." Liszt has paraphrased them and loved to conduct them. Brahms ranked Strauss as a genius, and Carl Goldsmith [sic, recte Goldmark?] and Anton Bruckner paid him homage.
     His two brothers, Joseph, born in 1827, and Edward, born in 1835, come next. [...].     Lastly, though not leastly, and of no relationship to the preceding, comes Richard, born in 1864, [...]. There is also a younger Strauss writing light operas, who is also on the road to musical fame. His first name is Oscar and his most successful composition is "The Waltz Drean," which was better liked in Europe than here." (*).
Die New York Tribune Nr. 23905 macht auf S. 54 (= S. 2 des 5. Teils "Drama, Music and Fashion") auf das Wiener Musikfest [mit Aufführung der 9. Symphonie am 24.6.1912] aufmerksam:
     American visitors to Europe this summer will find a new musical attraction added to Bayreuth and Munich. [... Opern, Schubert-Messe, Burgtheater-Aufführungen ...] and performances of symphonies by Haydn, Brahms, Bruckner, Mahler, Mozart, Beethoven (the D minor under the direction of Weingartner). There will be three of these symphony concerts, one conducted by Mr. Nikisch, [...]." (**).
Im Saisonrückblick in The Sun Nr. 241 (New York) auf S. 25 (= S. 9 des 2. Teils) ist die Aufführung der 5. Symphonie am 14.12.1911 verzeichnet:
"                     The concert season in review
Interesting on account of the performers rather than new music
[... 20.10.1911 Vladimir Pachmann, 21.10.1911 Max Regers Violinsolosonate etc. ...]
      December 14–Bruckner's fifth symphony played for the first time here by the Philharmonic Society.
[... 5.1.1912 Wilhelm Backhaus ... über die tolerante New Yorker Konzertszene, die Vorrangstellung der Met ... Vergleich mit Europa ... Risiko: Künstler wichtiger als die Werke ...].
                        W. J. HENDERSON.
             A CONCERT BY NEGROES.
An Orchestra of Unique Kind to Play Quaint Music
     The concert of negro music to be given at Carnegie Hall on Thursday evening should be of unusual interest. [...] and a cantata by Coleridge-Taylor, perhaps the most talented composer of the negro race.
              FAREWELL TO NIKISCH.
Programmes of the London Symphony Orchestra Concerts.
[... Konzerte heute und morgen ...]." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191204285, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191204285
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11