The Chicago Tribune Nr. 40 kündigt auf S. 21 (= S. 5 des Magazin-Teils) die 5. Symphonie für die kommende Saison an [am 6./7.3.1914]:
" Keeping Pace With the Futurists in Music.
By Glenn Dillard Gunn.
TRADITIONS of the Chicago Symphony orchestra that pertain to its supremacy among great orchestras in the production of new compositions will be maintained this season. [... über 30 Novitäten, davon 12 neue Komponisten (Muck in Boston: 3 wichtige neue Werke ...) ... über den Publikumsgeschmack ... über Schönbergs "Five Little Pieces" ... auch amerikanische Komponisten ...].
Mr. Stock's complete list of novelties follows:
Richard Strauss–Festival Prelude for Orchestra and Organ.
Reger–Romantic Suite.
Schönberg–Five small pieces.
Volbach–Symphony in B Minor.
Mahler–Fourth Symphony.
Bruckner–Fifth Symphony.
Kaun–Märkische Suite.
[... Braunfels, Bleyle, Sekles, Korngold, Noren ...]
[... sieben weitere Länder ...].
In interesting contrast appears Dr. Muck's brief announcement of new works and revivals for the Boston orchestra's programs. He permitted himself a brief characterization of the composition or its composer by way of amplification: [... Noren, Reznicek, Schillings ... revivals: Liszt, Rachmaninoff ...]
A revival of Bruckner's last and unfinished symphony.
A repetition of Mahler's mighty and magnificent fifth symphony [...]
[... vielleicht "Salome" von Florent Schmitt ...]. Boston will not keep pace with the futurists and the cubists of music, [...]. (*).
Von den Bostoner Aufführungsplänen (mit der 9. Symphonie) berichtet auch The Boston Globe Nr. 97 auf S. 66:
"Dr Muck's Novelties For the Symphony Season
When he arrived in Boston the other day Dr Muck was particularly amphatic in his statement that there was a dearth of good new music for orchestra in Germany. [... schlechte Ausbeute bei den letzten Musikfesten ... Noren, Reznicek, Schillings ...].
Of particular interest will be the "Tragedy of Salome," by Florent Schmitt [...] and particularly that he will repeat the titanic fifth symphony of Mahler. His plans include performances of Bruckner's "unfinished" symphony and a symphonic poem of Liszt probably never played in Boston. It is entitled "Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne," and is based upon a poem of Victor Hugo." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191310055, URL: Änderung: Jun 27, 2024, 9:09