Bei der Universal-Edition erscheint der von Walter Magnus verfaßte Klavierauszug für 2 Klavier zur 4. Symphonie mit der Nummer 5144 (*).
Aufführung der 4. Symphonie durch die Berliner Philharmoniker unter Carl Maria Artz im 2. Konzert dieser Reihe in Berlin (**).
Auf das heutige Konzert macht ein Inserat im Täglichen Cincinnatier Volksblatt Nr. 3 auf S. 8 aufmerksam:
" Symphonie=Konzerte
Cincinnati Symphonie-Orchester
Dr. Ernst Kunwald, Dirigent.
Solist: Franz Egenieff, Bariton.
Emery Auditorium.
Heute Abend um 8.15.
Preise 75c bis $2.00.
Box-Office: [...]." (***).
Aufführung der 3. Symphonie durch das Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra unter Ernst Kunwald im Emery Auditorium in Cincinnati.
Auf dem Programm stehen außerdem Werke von Richard Wagner und Verdi (mit dem Bariton Franz Egenieff), Debussy und Smetana (°).
Wiederholung vom 2.1.1914.
Besprechung des gestrigen Konzerts in The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 3 auf S. 2, signiert "L. G. S.":
The first of the third pair of Symphony concerts took place at Emery Auditorium yesterday, Dr. Kunwald conducting and Franz Egenieff, the noted German barytone, acting as soloist. The program was as follows:
Third Symphony (D-minor) . . . Bruckner
"Lohengrin" Vorspiel . . . . . . . . . . Wagner
[... Tannhäuser, Debussy, Verdi, Smetana ...]
Of course the most interesting number, from a local point of view, was the Bruckner symphony. The latter has for some time been considered by European authorities as one of the leading symphonists of all times. America seems somewhat slower in acknowledging his supremacy in the symphonic field, which is probably in great part due to the fact that his works receive comparatively rare renditions by our orchestral organizations. This applies particularly to Cincinnati, where for some years the name of Bruckner has not been seen on the program of our own or other orchestras which have performed here. It is the present intention of Dr. Kunwald to remedy this state of affairs, and, if this intention be carried out, our city at least will be among those on this side of the water who will acknowledge that the opinion of the authorities mentioned is well justifid.
Bruckner did not express himself in his third symphonic endeavor–nor in most of his others–in the same well-rounded classic form which is inherent in all the efforts of Brahms in this direction. Nor does he show the effective command over orchestral resources that distinguish the writings of Richard Strauss. Whereas, the Brahms symphonies present closely-knit examples of the same form which distinguished the works of his predecessors in this field, Bruckner's symphonies–and especially the one in question–have more the effect of rhapsodic writings, although outwardly making use of the time-honores form. Thus had the genius of Bruckner enabled him to give the world something new within the prescribed limits of the classic form.
Unlike Strauss, who does not hesitate tributed liberally to the euphonious demonic combinations in his striving after original effect, and also unlike Brahms, who has ever hewed as closely to traditional lines as regards harmony as he has in other respects, Bruckner has contributed liberally to the euphonous development of the harmonic aspect of the musical art. New chord connections are constantly met with–especially those of enharmonic character–but they never smite unpleasantly upon the sensitive ear. In the contrary, Bruckner has conclusively proven that harmonic originality may be applied without resource to sensational cacophony. This, taken in connection with his masterly control of the technic of thematic development, serves to place Bruckner upon the high pedestal among modern symphonists which was referred to above. The reading of the symphony by Dr. Kunwald and the performance of the same by his men stands out as one of the best things done this season.
The other orchestral numbers [... Lohengrin, Debussy, Smetana ... Solist etwas indisponiert ...].
The program will be repeated at tonight's concert. L. G. S." (°°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191401035, URL: Änderung: Mai 02, 2023, 12:12