The Inter Ocean Nr. 33 bietet auf S. 32 (= S. 8 des Magazinteils) einen Saisonrückblick, in dem auch die Aufführung der 5. Symphonie [am 6./7.3.1914] aufgeführt ist:
" Symphony Concerts in Retrospect.
NOW that the concerts of the Chicago Symphony orchestra have ceased for two dozen weeks, it is time to cast up accounts and decide whether the good will of the old masters is worth anything at all as an asset, [... eigens erwähnt: Schönberg, Korngold, Max Reger und andere Novitäten (Richard Strauss' "Festliches Präludium" "was the great disappointment" ... weitere Konzerte ... Solisten ...] [... über das Orchester ...].The Reger Romantic Suite was another fascinating study, and much more so at its second hearing. Tschaikowsky's "Manfred" symphony, as well, and the performance of the Bruckner B flat major symphony were readings of surpassing finesse and breadth of vision. One might go down the list of concerts [...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191404265, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11