Aufführung der 5. Symphonie durch das Wiener Konzertvereinsorchester unter Ferdinand Löwe im Großen Saal des Wiener Konzerthauses. (*).
The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 328 kündigt auf S. 16 die Aufführung der 4. Symphonie in einem der zwei nächsten Konzerte (am 17./18.12.1915) und einen Einführungsvortrag am 1.12.1915 an:
An interesting musical event scheduled for next week is the lecture to be given by Dr. Kunwald on "The Viennese School of Music," at Memorial Hall, Wednesday evening, December 1. Dr. Kunwald will also consider the programs of the next two series of concerts, those of December 3 and 4, and December 17 and 18, which will include the Haydn Symphony in E-flat, the Jupiter Symphony of Mozart, the Symphony No. 4 of Beethoven and the Bruckner Symphony No. 4. As has been his custom heretofore, Dr. Kunwald will illustrate his lecture with selections on the piano. The lecture is by invitation, as it has been arranged primarly for subscribers to the Symphony concerts." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191511245, URL: Änderung: Mai 02, 2023, 21:21