zurück 8.12.1923, Samstag ID: 192312085

Die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek erwirbt von Jula Bayer die Autographpartitur des Requiems [WAB 39] aus dem Nachlaß von Franz Bayer (*).
Ankündigung der heutigen Kirchenmusik in der Linzer Tages-Post Nr. 275 auf S. 8 (**).
Aufführung eines Tantum ergo [prov. WAB 48] im Nachmittagsgottesdienst im Maria-Empfängnis-Dom in Linz (***).
The Ottawa Journal Nr. 305 (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) bringt auf S. 20 eine in Amerika schon mehrfach gedruckte Anekdote, und zwar nahezu unverändert in der Form, wie sie am 2.3.1918 in einer Zeitung in Texas erschienen war:
"Peculiar Facts on Music.
DARWIN, the great English scientist, it is held, was once told that music had an influence upon plant life which was beneficial and in order to test the theory in its worth, he hired a man for several days to play a bassoon near the plants. (The result is not recorded).
    Anton Bruckner, well known Austrian composer, was so excessive in enthusiasm for his work that when once he had commenced to play, it was more than difficult to stop him. When competing for the post of Court Organist at Vienna, each candidate being allowed to play for 25 minutes Bruckner played for over one hour before the judges could stop him. On another occasion at Crystal Palace in London, he continued playing until the organ blowers were exhausted and the supply of wind gave out in consequence.
     Leschetizky is stated to have made a wager that he would teach his servant, a man of absolutely no musical ability or instinct, to play a Chopin nocturne with taste and correct interpretation, and he succeeded!
     In Solomon's Temple, according to Josephus, there were 20,000 harps and psalteries of solid copper, and 20,000 trumpets of silver." (°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192312085, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192312085
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11