zurück 6.7.1924, Sonntag ID: 192407065

Brief von Erich Kinast an Karl Grunsky:
    [mutmaßlicher Inhalt: über Bruckner und die neuere Bruckner-Literatur] (*).

Artikel von Rudolf Holzer "Eine Bruckner-Huldigungsfahrt. Der Wiener Männergesangverein in Oberösterreich" in der Österreichischen Volkszeitung Nr. 185 auf S. 10 (**).
In Schärding um 14 Uhr Bruckner-Feier der Liedertafel Schärding mit einer Aufführung der d-Moll-Messe und des siebenstimmigen "Ave Maria" (WAB 6) durch die Musikgesellschaft der Liedertafel, verstärkt durch Mitglieder des Linzer Musikerbundes, Chor und Frauenchor der Liedertafel unter Chormeister Dr. Josef Holzinger und die Solisten Frl. Zelenka (Linz), Frau Erhardt (Linz), Franz Moser (Schärding) und Josef Pfund (Linz) (***)
Die Chicago Tribune Nr. 27 informiert auf S. 52 (= S. 6 des 7. Teils) über Kulturveranstaltungen in Wien in der ersten Septemberhälfte:
"Here and There in Music.
     A feature of the fair which will take place in Vienna during the first two weeks of September will be a festival of music and the theater showing the development of artistic and musical life of the city. [...] and musical selections of Beethoven, Richard Strauss, Johann Strauss, Grillparzer, Schnitzler, Milloecker, Nestroy, Franz Schubert and others will be presented in both of the state theaters as well as in the other play houses and concert halls. Provision has  also been made for church music of Haydn, Bruckner, Max Springer and others. At the same time there will be an international exposition of the technique of the theater and an international congress of musicians." (°).
The Observer Nr. 6945 (London) schreibt auf S. 8 über das Urheberrecht in Europa: "COPYRIGHT LAW IN AUSTRIA.
   (From Our Own Correspondent.)
     At the general meeting of the Austrian Authors's Society it was pointed out that while the rights of authors and composers in France are protected for fifty years, and in Italy and Spain for eighty years, the rights of Austrians (and also of Germans) expire after a lapse of thirty years. Thus in some cases the descendants have been exposed to something like starvation. In two years Bruckner will be "free"; in three years Brahms, and in five years Johann Strauss. In a resolution the meeting demanded the introduction of the fifty years' protection period for the Austrians' works." (°°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192407065, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192407065
letzte Änderung: Dez 11, 2024, 8:08