Artikel von Cornelius Preiß »Hugo Wolf und Anton Bruckner« (Teil I) im Linzer Volksblatt Nr. 49, S. 1f: erwähnt u.a. die Briefe an Emil Kauffmann vom 15.12.1891, 23.12.1892 und 10.3.1893.
(Teil II erschien Dienstag, den 3.3.1925, in Nr. 50, S. 1f [der Text scheint auf den in Karl Kobalds »In memoriam Anton Bruckner« erschienenen Aufsatz Ecksteins (482/..) zurückzugehen]) (*).
The Atlanta Constitution Nr. 261 (The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia) stellt auf S. 4 einen Bruckner-Schüler als Operndirigenten vor (mit Abbildung):
"Noted Conductor Accepts Summer Opera Post Here
Plans for the Atlanta season of summer light opera took definite shape [...
Six Operas Booked.
[... geplante Operetten ...].
Paul Eisler, the conductor chosen for the season, is widely known as a composer, pianist and director. He was born in Vienna in 1876, educated at the Vienna gymnasium, and studied music with Anton Bruckner, Robert Fuchs and others, at the Vienna Conservatory of Music. He made his debut as a concert pianist at the age of 17 and became opera conductor in Vienna and at Riga. After a term as professor at the Imperial Academy in Vienna he came to America to be assistant conductor of the Metropolitan Opera company.
Eisler Widely Known.
Mr. Eisler has made concert tours with [... Solisten ...]. For four years he was conductor of the National Symphony orchestra of New York, associated with Arturo Bodansky [sic] and Mengelberg, and he wrote [... Stummfilm "Roads of Destiny", drei Operetten, viele Lieder ...].
Becoming thoroughly Americanized, Mr. Eisler married Miss Edith Ross, of Rutland, Vt., whose father is director and treasurer of the Howe Scale company." (**).
Ein Inserat in den Mississippi-Blättern Nr. 60 (Westliche Post, St. Louis, Missouri) auf S. 14 macht auf das Konzert vom 11.3.1925 aufmerksam
" St. Louis Massenchor-Konzert
Mittwoch abend, den 11. März 1925
zum Besten des
Deutschen Allgemeinen Protest. Waisenheims
Deutschen St. Vincent Waisenheims
Deutschen Protestantischen Waisenheims
St. Louis Altenheims
Anton Bruckner's "Te Deum
für gemischten Chor, Soli und Orchester–Unter der Leitung von Hugo Anschuetz
St. Louis Symphonie-Orchester von 80 Mann
Solisten: Elsa Alsen, dramatischer Sopran, New York; Arthur Middleton, Baß-Bariton, New York; Maude Covington, Contralto, St. Louis; Clarence Bloemker, Tenor, St. Louis.
Ticket Office [... Preise ...] (***).
Vom amerikanischen Musikleben berichtet ein Artikel im Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York) auf S. 47 (= S. 3 des 3. Teils):
" Matters of Moment in Music
" Matters of Moment in Music
Guest Critic New York Evening Pos
One curious feature of New York musical life has both interested and intrigued me. [... manche Werke werden sehr oft bespielt ...].
With so many orchestra, the repertory surely might be made a little more adventurous. At first, when I heard a Bruckner and a Mahler symphony–which no conductor woulg risk in London just now–I congratulated mayself on having come to a town where I shuould be able to get away frequently from the routine round of familiar works. [... aber auch New York spielt wie London "for safety" ... ausführlich über das Konzertrepertoire ...]." (°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192503015, URL: Änderung: Jan 25, 2024, 13:13