Aufführung der d-Moll-Messe (oberschlesische Erstaufführung) in der St. Peter-Paul-Kirche in Gleiwitz [vermutlich zur Feier des Patrociniums am 29.6.1929] (*).
William R. Mitchel bringt in The Pittsburgh Press auf S. 93 (= S. 5 des Zeitungsteils) einen Artikel der Leipziger Neuesten Nachrichten, in welchem Felix Weingartner über seine letzten Begegnungen mit Brahms und seinen Besuch bei Bruckner [siehe "2.-4.4.1895"] erzählt:
"CALLING upon the ill composer, Anton Bruckner, whose life seemed only a matter of days, I discovered him sitting in an armchair and gasping for air, while speaking only with terrible efforts. When I had told him about how successful his works were in Germany I pleased him greatly.
"Now, as I began to tell Brahms about that visit Heuberger dug into me warningly on the side with his elbows. I knew little about the Viennes fight between the followers of Brahms and the followers of Bruckner, and so I had touched a sore spot without knowing it. Brahms listened calmly and spoke with consideration of Bruckner, but, of course, without any deep feeling. Still, he did pity him in his illness.
"Who might have thought at that time that Brahms [...] would die soon, too? [... über ein späteres Treffen mit Brahms in Berlin ...]. But when I came there again, as conductor of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Berlin [5./6.4.1897], Brahms had died." " (**).
[Die deutsche Variante dieser Begebenheit war z. B. am 25.4.1929 im "Vorwärts" veröffentlicht worden.]
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192906305, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11