In The Philadelphia Inquirer Nr. 92 berichtet auf S. 4 C. H. Bonte von Neuerwerbungen für die Sammlung von Edwin A. Fleisher:
[... vier Monate in Europa (morgen Rückkehr mit der "Bremen") ... viele Unikate ... Drucke der Universal-Edition, die sonst nur Leihmaterial abgibt ... Beispiele für Original-Manuskripte (darunter sowjetische Musik und Moussorgskys "Boris Godunow") ...].
Turkish, Armenian, Georgian and Caucasian composers are also represented in this large group of new acquisitions, nearly all these musical writers being virtually unknown in this country. In Leipzig alone, Mr. Fleisher purchased about 150 scores, these including several Bruckner symphonies, only one of which has been played here. [...].
It is said that Mr. Fleisher purchased nothing of which he did not obtain the complete orchestral score, and parts for every instrument. [...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192909305, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11