zurück 13.2.1931, Freitag ID: 193102135

Die Altoona Tribune (Altoona, Pennsylvania) berichtet auf S. 4 über die Internationale Bruckner-Gesellschaft:
"Rev. Joseph Hauber Delegate of International Music Society
     The Rev. Joseph Hauber, choirmaster of the Altoona cathedral, has been chosen Western Pennsylvania delegate of the International Bruckner society which has recently been formed in New York and affiliated with the same society in Europe. [...].
     The men who have espoused the cause of Bruckner form a galaxy of prominent American musicians:
     Executive committee: Mrs. Lanier, honorary chairman, Robert G. Grey, executive secretary, Frederick Betz, Professor[,] Henry T. Fleck, Frederick W. Jones, Dr. Ernst Lert, George R. Marek, Joachim H. Meyer, Max Smith.
     Honorary Members: Artur Bodanzky, Lawrence Gilman, Percy Goetschius, Eugene Goosens, Henry Hadley, Willem van Hoogstraten, Erich Kleiber, Serge Koussevitsky, Walter A. Kramer, Leonard Liebling, Compton Mackenzie, Margaret Matzenauer, Willem Mengelberg, Egon Pollak, Fritz Reiner, Artur Rodzinski, Frederick A. Stock, Albert Stoessel, Olga Samaroff Stkowski [sic].
     The Rev. Hauber, who studied composition under a Bruckner pupil at the Munich Conservatory, has been officially delegated by the New York committee to establish the Bruckner society among the music lavers of Western Pennsylvania.
     The Rev. Hauber has also been accorded the singular honor of giving the first lecture on Bruckner in New York on March 3, which day will mark the inauguration of the public activity in behalf of Bruckner. The Symphony orchestra conductors of the principal music centers of America have been engaged to play the various Bruckner symphonies during the 1931 season. Altoona wil [sic] join the ranks by rendering Bruckner's famous E minor mass for mixed chorus and orchestra next November,–the thirty-fifth anniversary of Bruckner's death.–under the Direction of the Rev. Hauber." (*).
The Paterson Morning Call Nr. 38 (Paterson, New Jersey) berichtet auf S. 3 über John Festeneck und seine dem Andenken Bruckners gewidmete Komposition "Du Bist Der Wald" [inhaltlich ähnlich 30.1.1931] (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 193102135, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-193102135
letzte Änderung: Dez 02, 2024, 20:20