Artikel von Wilhelm von Wymetal »Der Fall Bruckner, der Fall Hugo Wolf, der Fall Konrad Ansorge, der Fall Zemlinsky, der Fall Langmann« im Tagesboten aus Mähren und Schlesien (*).
Besprechung der 9. Symphonie durch Julius Korngold in der Neuen Freien Presse (**).
Bericht Max Auers über die Aufführung der 9. Symphonie am 11.2.1903 im Gebirgsboten. Als Anwesende erwähnt er August Göllerich und (in Vertretung von Ignaz Bruckner) Karl Aigner (***).
Aufführung der 2. Symphonie durch das Chicago Symphony Orchestra unter Theodor Thomas [in Chicago] [Wiederholung vom 20.2.1903] (°).
Auf dem Programm stehen außerdem Werke von Mendelssohn (Violinkonzert mit Maud MacCarthy), Dvorak ("Carneval"), Franck ("Les Eloides"), Liszt ("Mephisto"-Walzer) und Richard Wagner ("Walkürenritt") (°°).
Besprechung des gestrigen Konzerts in The Chicago Tribune Nr. 52 auf S. 7:
The "Ride of the Walkyries" is the number on yesterday's program of the Chicago orchestra concert that the auditor recalls with most pleasure. [... Liszt und Wagner ermöglichten es dem Hörer ...] to leave the Auditorium feeling he had had much of musical enjoyment after all.
The remainder of the program was of only comparatively mild interest. [... Dvorak ... Franck ...] proved attractive to the lovers of orchestral coloring of the softer, more delicate tints, but the Bruckner symphony in C minor (No. 2) left the listener as unsatisfied as does every one of its fellows thus far heard. The Austrian composer has his ardent admirers, and they find in his works an originallity, beauty, and greatness entitling them to a place beside the symphonies of Beethoven. To these admirers the writer cannot claim to belong, and although the symphony played yesterday has in it more of the orthodox in form and something more of logical development and continuity of idea than have any of the others heard, the truth that the impression left was one of music that is essentially "made" in contradistinction to that which is described as inspired cannot be denied. Neither in thematic material, in the developing and elaborating of this material, nor in orchestration was anything strikingly original or exceptionally beautiful discovered in the symphony, and much that was diffuse and ofttimes tedious was noted. The Scherzo is the most effective movement, as it was in the symphony–the third–played by the orchestra two seasons ago. It has more of compactness, more of musical unity. The Andante also has beautiful moments, but it, as a whole, suffers from undue length.
The other selection on the program was [... Mendelssohn (mit Maud MacCarthy) ...].
Tonight the same program will be played, beginning at 8:15 o'clock.
W. L. HUBBARD." (°°°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190302215, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11