Von Karl Kerschbaum (*a) angeregte Aufführung von »Herbstlied« unter Göllerich (*b) im 59. Gründungsfest-Konzert der Linzer Liedertafel »Frohsinn« (*).
The New York Times Nr. 16907 kündigt auf S. 8 die 9. Symphonie für den 14.5.1904 an:
The sixteenth biennal music festival will be given in Cincinnati on May 11, 12 13, and 14, under the direction of Theodore Thomas. The programmes are models of what they should be on such occasions, and while they contain nothing absolutely novel, there is much that is of importance, old and new. [...].
The sixteenth biennal music festival will be given in Cincinnati on May 11, 12 13, and 14, under the direction of Theodore Thomas. The programmes are models of what they should be on such occasions, and while they contain nothing absolutely novel, there is much that is of importance, old and new. [...].
The orchestral concerts on the afternoons of the 12th and 14th offer many interesting things. [... Elgar am 12.5.1904 ...]. On the 14th Bruckner's ninth symphony, Brahms's Rhapsody, [... weitere Werke ... Solisten ...]. (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190403135, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190403135letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11