The Chicago Tribune Nr. 42 veröffentlicht auf S. 20 (= S. 4 des 3. Teils) den Reisebericht eines Amerikaners durch Europa und erwähnt eine Aufführung der 5. Symphonie [vermutlich gemeint: in Meiningen]:
" Musical Events of Interest
By Eric DeLamarter.
Now is the season that beholds the American traveler's return from an extensive pilgrimage to the various shrines of the old world. [... über Opern (darunter Salome), Chöre in England, Musikleben in London, Orchesteraufstellung, Größe der Konzertsäle (klassische Werke wirken besser in kleineren Sälen) ...].
All this does not take away the vivid memories of two concerts he heard in Menningen [sic]. In these modest houses were given several unusual festivals, one program of which was devoted to the works of Brahms alone. [... Becker und Marteau als Solisten ...].
In Prague, in Vienna, and in this same little town [gemeint: Meiningen?], too, he finds evidence of a Hearty Bruckner vogue. The rest of Germany may not accept that man at his own valuation, but in these three places our visitor finds the unwelcome works have found a local habitation and a respectable name. So true is it that there is little surprise in the announcement of the Beethoven "Pastoral" symphony and Bruckner's fifth on the same program. And in these small auditoriums the advantages in climatic disturbance do not lie with the modern composers alone. A Haydn symphony sounds big and vital [...gar kein "Papa Haydn"-Eindruck ... "the latter Richard, king of cacaphony" ... Heimatgefühle in Chicago ...] he realized that Chicago had no reason to blush for its music.
[... über die Unkenntnis und Vernachlässigung amerikanischer Komponisten ...] these people regard us as a member of the musical kindergarten [...]." (*).
In The Inter Ocean Nr. 207 (Chicago, Illinois) kommentiert auf S. 35 (= S. 9 des Magazins) Glenn Dillard Gunn ausführlich die Saisonpläne für Chicago [, wobei unklar bleiben muss, ob die 8. oder 5. Symphonie gemeint sind]:
[... in Stocks neuer Liste mit 29 Namen sind 6 Amerikaner enthalten ... Musikleben fast in europäischer Hand (Streicher und Dirigenten Deutsche, Holzbläser Franzosen, Blechbläser Belgier) ... Stock sei aber ohne Vorurteile ... Beispiele für die Novitäten und Kommentare dazu ... Symphonien, darunter Balakirew ...].
Indeed, this symphony is in similar case with two others listed as novelties which should rather be classed under the head of first performances in the Thomas concerts. The Elgar symphony was presented by Walter Damrosch and the New York Symphony orchestra last year, and the Bruckner eighth symphony is surely no novelty, though the works of Bruckner have been strangely neglected in the Thomas concerts when one considers their vogue in Germany and Austria. However, we shall be glad to hear the symphony of the lone Englishman again, even as we shall profit by a nearer and broader acquaintance with Bruckner, whose eigth symphony, it is to be hoped, makes less demand on the listeners' powers of endurance than his never to be forgotten ninth.
[... dennoch genügend Novitäten ...].
The Max Reger variations and double fugue on a theme by Adam Hiller suggest headache and all kinds of a musical Katzenjammer. But both Mr. Stock and Dr. Much [sic] confess to a very lively admiration for it, so, as Bill Nye said of classic music generally, "It is probabily much better than it sounds."
The list of novelties in full si [sic] as follows:
Symphony No. 1, A flat major . . . . . . . Elgar
Symphony No. 8, B flat [sic] . . . . . Bruckner
[... 26 weitere Namen ...]." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190910175, URL: Änderung: Jun 27, 2024, 9:09