zurück 23.7.1910, Samstag ID: 191007235

Die Buffalo Evening News Nr. 88 machen auf S. 27 (= S. 7 der 18-Uhr-Ausgabe) auf das Müncher Musikfestival aufmerksam:
"          Another Strauss Festival.
     No sooner is the Richard Strauss festival at an end in Munich than another will begin on Aug. 18 in the Beethoven-Brahms-Bruckner cycle. In the 12 festival concerts not only works by the three composers will be given but also important works by Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Liszt and Berlioz. In this way a review of practically the entire symphonic work of the 19th century will be given."
[Bruckner: 4. Symphonie 22.8.1910, 7. Symphonie 27.8.1910, 5. Symphonie 31.8.1910, 8. Symphonie 2.9.1910] (*).
The Indianapolis News Nr. 197/12684 übernehmen auf S. 16 den Artikel der Washington Post vom 17.7.1910 über Überlegungen zu den Schädeln von Komponisten:
Professor Tandler, in Vienna, Gives Lecture an Craniums.
     VIENNA, July 23.–"Although not all the causes that operate the formation of the human head are known at the present time, yet we do know that one of the principal factors in the skull formation is the development of the brain itself," said Professor Tandler in a lecture on musicians' skulls delivered before the Vienna Medical Association.
     To put it plainly, he continued, every person has the skull that fits his or her brain. Therefore, when we discuss musical heads, we must first consider musical brains.
     There is no doubt, said Professor Tandler, that musicians' brains are more than normally developed in the region just over the upper temple, and this development invariably causes a corresponding protuberance in that part of the bony skull. As examples, the professor gave details of his observations on the formations of the skulls of Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, Bruckner, and other well known composers." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191007235, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191007235
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11