Adolf Grassmann wohnt der Aufführung der d-Moll-Messe unter Carl Luze in der Hofkapelle bei (*).
Aufführung des "Ave Maria" [WAB 6] in der Textfassung "O Lord Most Holy" beim Vesper-Gottesdienst in der St. John's Episcopal Church in Yonkers (**).
The Los Angeles Times kündigt auf S. 26 (= S. 2 des 3. Teils) die Aufführung der 3. Symphonie für den 5./6.5.1916 an:
[... Abbildung Fritz Kreisler ...]
That the symphony concerts this season will far surpass in excellence those of any previous year goes without saying from the adoption of the plan of daily rehearsals for the members of the organization. [...].
[... zuvor nur eine wöchentliche Probe ... regelmäßige Gehaltszahlungen ... Qualitätssteigerung ... mehr Konzerte im Umkreis Südkaliforniens ...].
Many New Offerings.
The schedule of programmes for the regular monthly concerts of this season already indicates the broadened scope of the orchestra. When such works as a Bruckner and Berlioz symphonies and Strauss's "Till Eulenspiegel" are to be played, music devotees may well smile their approval. These works have been intentionally reserved for the later concerts, in order that they may enjoy the fruits of thorough study.
The opening programme, to be given November 26 and 27, will contain [...].
Other regular symphony programmes, arranged by Adolf Tandler and approved by members of the board of directors, will be as follows: [... vier Konzerte 17./18. Dezember bis 24./25. März ...].
May 5-6– Symphony No. 3 in F [sic] (Bruckner,) "Iberia" from "Images" (Debussy,) and "Till Eulenspiegel" (Strauss.)
Programmes for the series of popular concerts will be selected at an early date. [... jeweils zwei Wochen nach den Symphoniekonzerten ...].
The descriptive analyses of the musical numbers will be written as heretofore by William E. Strobridge, Jr., who has also made many valuable suggestions regarding the features of the various programms." (***).
The San Francisco Examiner Nr. 102 kommt auf S. 50 (= S. 28 des Magazinteils) auf das lokale Konzertleben zu sprechen (wie schon am 7.10.1915):
A MUSICIAN'S DIRECTORY for San Francisco has long been needed. So I am glad to see that S. Wendell Silver is getting one out. [... über diese Publikation ... über kommende Konzerte (heute Russisches Programm mit dem Exposition Orchestra unter Max Bendix), Kammerkonzert ... über die mangelnde Vertrautheit mit wichtiger Musik und das Naserümpfen über leichte Muse ... andernorts erfolgreiche populäre Konzerte ...]
[... Jugend wäre so für großen Orchesterklang zu begeistern ...] with music they can understand and enjoy. Neither is there any reason why the "tired business man" cannot be brought to enjoy a fine orchestral concert and gradually be interested in the heavier works. The names Brahms, Bruckner, etc., often keep people away from the orchestra and chamber music concerts. Once get these people coming to hear programmes they appreciate and there is no telling what developments may come from it.
The programmes promised by Victor Herbert at Festival Hall during the week of November 1 [... lang gehegter Wunsch ...]. We have been fed a rather heavy diet of music in recent seasons." (°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191510105, URL: Änderung: Feb 29, 2024, 6:06