Aufführung des Quintetts durch das Fitzner-Quartett (Rudolf Fitzner, Max Weißgaerber, Jaroslav Czerny, Anton Wamter) mit Franz Jelinek um halb 8 Uhr abends im Kleinen Musikvereins-Saal in einem Konzert der Konzertdirektion Hugo Heller in Wien (*).
Handschriftliche Notiz »VI. [Aufführung] »[=Fitzner], 11.XII.15.« in einer gedruckten Partitur mit dem Besitzervermerk »D Bock« [L. Bock?] (*a).
Die Wochenzeitschrift Brooklyn Life Nr. 1345 erinnert in der Besprechung des Konzerts vom 3.12.1915 in Brooklyn an den Eindruck, den die 7. Symphonie am 2.12.1915 in New York gemacht hat:
" Musical Comment.
DR. MUCK sometimes tries out his ideas regarding new music and the revival of old on his New York subscribers, but his only object seemingly in the making up of his Brooklyn programs is to convey joy to his hearers by the production of such works as are either beloved because of their familiarity or surely inoffensive because of their nature. Hence it was that although the Thursday evening audience in Manhattan was regaled–and let it be added bored–by Bruckner's Seventh Symphony, that in Brooklyn on Friday listened to a program with the exception of one selection classic in its nature and with that one exception scarcely revolutionary. [...Mozart Es-Dur, Rachmaninoff (Toteninsel), Brahms (mit Fritz Kreisler), Mendelssohn ...]."
[Auf S. 28 (Fortsetzung dieser Rubrik) ist die letzte Meldung signiert: "WILLIAM B. MURRAY, JR."] (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191512115, URL: Änderung: Sep 18, 2024, 6:06