zurück 29.10.1916, Sonntag ID: 191610295

Die Boston Post kündigt auf S. 37 (= Seite C des 5. Teils) die Aufführung des Quintetts für den 31.10.1916 an:
"Notes and Comment Upon Musical Matter
                EDITED BY OLIN DOWNES
                   CONCERTS THIS WEEK
     This afternoon in Symphony Hall–Recital by Fritz Kreisler, violinist. Programme:
     Tuesday evening in Steinert Hall–First Boston concert of the season by the Kneisel Quartet: Quintet in F major, Anton Bruckner; sonata in D major for violin [sic] and piano, Rubinstein; quartet, op. 18, No.3, Beethoven. The Kneisel Quartet will be assisted by Louis Bostelmann, violinist [recte: viola], and Hans Ebell, pianist.
     [... weitere Konzerte ...]." (*).

Eine ausführlichere Ankündigung erscheint in The Boston Globe Nr. 121 auf S. 42:
"Kneisel Quartet Gives Afternoon Concerts
     For the first time in its history the Kneisel Quartet will give its Boston concerts on afternoons, and next Tuesday will usher in the first of these occasions at Steinert Hall. The quintet in F major for two violins, two violas and violoncello, by Anton Bruckner will be played for the first time in America by this aggregation of artists. It was written in 1879 and was introduced to the public during the early 80s by the Hellmesberger Quartet in Vienna. It has been performed in most of the leading cities of Europe, but has not been heard in this country. In this number the members of the Kneisel Quartet will have the assistance of Louis Bostelmann, viola.
     Anton Bruckner was a native of Upper Austria. He occupied various important posts as organists [sic], and made many tours of Germany, France and England, where he gave organ recitals. He is probably best known by his symphonies, eight in number.
     The second number on the program [... Rubinstein (mit Willem Willeke (Vc.) und Hans Ebell), Beethoven ...]."
[Kneisel hatte am 23.11.1886 das Adagio des Quintetts aufgeführt.] (**).

Aufführung des "Ave Maria" [WAB 6] in der Textfassung "O Lord Most Holy" durch den Chor der First United Evangelical Church beim Gottesdienst in der Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh zur Feier der Reformation vor 399 Jahren (***).
[zu dieser Textfassung siehe die Anmerkung zum 25.9.1915]


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191610295, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191610295
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11