zurück 1.4.1923, Sonntag (Ostersonntag) ID: 192304015

[Ostern, ca. 1.4.1923]
Der erste Band von Göllerichs Bruckner-Biographie erscheint [bei Bosse in Regensburg] (*).

Um 18 Uhr Aufführung eines Tantum ergo in der Kapuzinerkirche in Linz (**).

Aufführung des Quintetts durch das Gottfried-Herbst-Quartett im vierten Kammerkonzert in der Central Christian Church in Spokane (Washington). Mitwirkende: Gottfried Herbst, Fred La Fond, Ferdinand Sorenson, Julius Blinn [2. Viola N.N.]. Auf dem Programm stehen außerdem das Klavierquintett von Brahms (mit der Pianistin Pauline Kimmel) und ein Streichquartett von Arelnow (***).

Ankündigung der 9. Symphonie für den 6./7.4.1923 in The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 91 auf  S. 5 des 3. Teils:
"               AMONG THE MUSICIANS
     The thirteenth pair of symphony concerts by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, under leadership of Fritz Reiner, will take place this week, Friday ad´fternoon and Saturday evening, in Emery Auditorium. The program includes two symphonies, both of which are entitled "Unfinished'.' The first is the Symphony No. 9 of Anton Bruckner and the second Symphony No. 8 in B minor of Schubert.
     There is much romantic as well as pathetic interest surrounding both of these symphonies. Before finishing his Symphony No. 9 Anton Bruckner was taken ill and the work never was completed in a sense of having four movements. The work was written in 1894; the composer died in Vienna in 1896, and the symphony was first performed in Vienna in 1903. In the matter of the B minor symphony of Franz Schubert, this is called the "Unfinished" because only two movements were found. [... über das Werk ... Kartenbüro ...]." (°).

Aufführung von Werken Bruckners [sicher das Quintett], Hugo Wolfs und Mozarts durch das Karl-Klingler-Quartett im 5. Festkonzert des Bezirksbildungsausschusses Groß-Berlin in der Berliner Philharmonie.
Wiederholung vom 11.3.1923 (°°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192304015, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192304015
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11