The Sydney Morning Herald Nr. 28699 (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) gibt auf S. 6 den Grund an, warum die geplanten Aufführungen der 3. und 7. Symphonie sich verzögern, und referiert über die Kritikerresonanz nach der Londoner Aufführung der 8. Symphonie [am 20.11.1929, die schlechte Kritik vom 24.11.1929 verschweigend]:
One of the important tasks to be undertaken by Dr. Arundel Orchard at the Conservatorium in the coming year will be the production of Beethoven's only opera, "Fidelio," in May. [... sah Aufführungen in Wien (unter Franz Schalk, mit Lotte Lehmann und Kahlenberg) und Berlin ... weitere Pläne ...]. The plan to produce Bruckner's Third and Seventh Symphonies has not been lost sight of, as the director is only awaiting the receipt of the band parts of these works. Anton Bruckner's fame has steadily revived on the Continent of late years; and last month Otto Klemperer conducted in London, at Queen's Hall, a first performance in that city of his colossal Eighth Symphony, so much admired by Arthur Nikisch. Under Klemperer's leadership, the critics agree, the heroic power and brilliancy of this symphony were fully revealed. Its effect, with one's ears attuned to all the later developments of musical art, writes one critic, "is like entering a picture gallery, and there discovering a nineteenth century master of whose existence one had only been faintly aware."
Dr. Orchard is also in treaty for another remarkable symphony, Mahler's Fourth. [... und weitere Werke ... Yehudi Menuhin (12 Jahre alt) kommt nach Australien ...]." (*).
Die Shamokin Dispatch Nr. 334 (Shamokin News-Dispatch, Shamokin, Pennsylvania) kündigt auf S. 8 das Münchner Bruckner-Fest für Juni 1930 [recte 27.-31.10.1930] an [Text wie am 27.12.1929]:
[... viele Besucher wegen der Oberammergauer Passionsspiele erwartet ... im Mai 1930 Mengelberg, Toscanini mit New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Furtwängler mit den Berliner Philharmonikern] in the same month.
June will bring the international Bruckner Festival, a Brahms concert under Knappertsbusch, Mahlers's Eighth Symphony under Bruno Walter, and a Richard Strauss week.
In July Reinhart [sic] will present his staging of Johann Strauss' "Fledermaus," Pfitzner will conduct a "romantic evening," and Doebereiner will present old music. Mozart and Beethoven will dominate in August. [...]." (**).
Dieselbe Meldung erscheint auch in The Yonkers Statesman Nr. 42 (Yonkers, New York) auf S. 16 (***)
und in The Daily Notes Nr. 10608 (Canonsburg, Pennsylvania) auf S. 4 (°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192912285, URL: Änderung: Nov 12, 2024, 16:16