zurück 29.12.1929, Sonntag ID: 192912295

Ausführlicher und wohlwollender einführender Artikel zur 9. Symphonie, herausgegeben von Lawrence Gilman (Übernahme von der New York Herald-Tribune), in The Salt Lake Tribune Nr. 75 auf S. 32 und S. 36 (= S. 4 und S. 8 des 5. Teils):
"       New York Set To Hear Another "Unfinished"
Bruckner's Famous Symphony to Be performed After 22 Years.
[... dort erstmals mit Karl Muck (7.11.1907), später ein "Revival" ...Bruckners Sonderstellung ... rätselhaft: 1. Satz fällt ab trotz "tremendous chief theme" ...].
     Bruckner did inexplicable things. [... Widersprüche im Werk ... Todesahnungen ... Adagio ...] music of an unforgettable solemnity and tenderness, of a beauty tranfigured and serene; [...].
     Like the Unfinished Symphony of Schubert, this symphony of Bruckner's seems complete in its incompleteness. It is difficult to think of it with a finale succeeding the Adagio. [...] seraphic quietude [...] the fitting and perfect close for the symphony [...]. Would not even the "Te Deum", despite Bruckner's own recommendation, seem an anticlimax?
Bruckner Both Peasant and Seer.
     [... Bruckners Persönlichkeit ...] the truth of Blake's saying, that "the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."
     Certainly it led Bruckner there in his later works [...] spiritual nostalgia ... is touched with the luminance of a deeply mystical assuagement. [...] paraphraqsing Emerson's saying: "I can never be quite lonely any more. I have you, and I have Walt Whitman" [... Bruckner ...] would have addressed his idol, Richard Wagner, "I have you," he might have said," and I have God."Bruckner's Life medley Scraps and Bombasts.     Bruckner's life [... die Widmungen der Symphonien, die Neunte ...] he purposed to inscribe it "To the dear Lord."     With the exception of his idol, Wagner, he was the best hated composer of the nineteenth century. (Copyright, 1929, N. Y. Herald-Tribune, Inc.)"


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192912295, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192912295
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11