zurück 13.11.1930, Donnerstag ID: 193011135

The Ridgewood Herald-News Nr. 46 (Ridgewood, New Jersey) bringen auf S. 17 (= S. 1 des 3. Teils) den bereits gestern erschienenen Artikel von John Festeneck über das Konzert vom 9.11.1930 anlässlich der Orgeleinweihung in Ridgewood [vgl. 17.10.1930], in dem das "Te deum" von Pietro Yon mit jenem von Bruckner verglichen wird und Äußerungen Schachleithners über die e-Moll-Messe erwähnt werden:
     In words of comparison I could think of only one masterwork, this is Bruckner's "Te Deum." [...] Bruckner the Great, as Karl Schaelzer [recte Karl Schaezler?] calls him in an article which appeared in the Commonwealth of Sept. 17, 1930. This attribute we may earnestly accept, for it is universally accepted, especially in Europe [...].
     There is, however, still another of Bruckner's compositions, his magnificent "Mass" in E minor, which deserves mention in this discussion, chiefly because it convinces the musician of the composer's childlike and mystically deep faith combined with an astounding musical skill. There [sic] revered master of a Scola Gregorian, Abbot Schachleitner characterizes this work as an ideal mass." Pietro Yon's "Te Deum" fully deserves the same characterization, an ideal "Te Deum." [...] Bruckner's "Te Deum" was called the "pearl of great prize." Yon's "Te Deum" is a "prize of great faith, a demonstration of [...].
     My esteemed readers may rest assured that I am not partial to Pietro Yon's works because I enjoy the honor of his friendship and not partial to Anton Bruckner] because I had the great privilege of having been his pupil. [...].
     Anton Bruckner and Pietro Yon have both established their fame and do not need my support. The world has spoken and we can only admire and believe in the words, "Vox Populi Vox Dei." "


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 193011135, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-193011135
letzte Änderung: Jul 09, 2024, 13:13