zurück 29.5.1892, Sonntag ID: 189205295

Die Neue Freie Presse Nr. 9972 kündigt auf S. 7 das [dann verschobene] Konzert vom 13.6.1892 an:
"     [Wiener Männergesang=Verein] Derselbe wird am 13. Juni seine Sommer=Liedertafel im Dreher=Park in Meidling veranstalten. Das Programm wird unter Anderm folgende Piecen enthalten: "Germanenzug" von Bruckner [... 3 weitere Nummern ...]" (*).
The Illustrated Buffalo Express berichtet auf S. 10 in der 3. Spalte vom Mai-Festival [mit dem "Te deum" am 26.5.1892]:
Rochester and Cincinnati Festivals.
     The Cincinnati Music Festival opened on Wednesday night with Mendelssohn's "St. Paul," sung by a chorus of 350 voices, with Theodore Thomas's orchestra augmented by Cincinnati musicians to the imposing number of 113. [... Verbesserung zu 1890 ... Solisten ...]. The most interesting of the choral works given were a cantata by Albert Becker, Anton Bruckner's "Te Deum" and Dvorak's new Requiem." (**).
The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 150 berichtet auf S. 5 in der 1. Spalte abschließend über das Festival:
Of the Great May Festival.

     The great biennial musical event which has made Cincinnati famous all over the world came to an end last night.
     It was a splendid success, both in a financial and artistic way.
     Several of the programmes of the week were too classical for any but those who have had a thorough musical education, and there was some dissatisfaction in consequence.
     [...] The Festivals are a grand attraction for Cincinnati, but there should be at least two or three programmes of a
To draw strangers and interest the masses of the people. [... Erziehungsauftrag ist gut, aber das Volk muss erstmal kommen ... einige Sponsoren verlangen], that at least three of the programmes will be made to please the people without regard to the
                    "VOGNERIAN CRANKS"
They will not put down their names for a dollar. [... über die letzten Konzerte ... kurzer Rückblick (auch auf 26.5.1892, "Te deum" ist nicht erwähnt) ...]. The most pleasing entertainment of the week, all things considered, was that of the Thursday matinee, and the least so the Bach Christmas Oratorio on Thursday night. There was much all the time to excite the wonder and admiration, but little to touch the heart with enchanting melodies that are remembered after the singer is gone.
     That Cincinnati May Festivals are a monument to the enterprise and culture of the people of this city. In no other city could such a series of classical concerts be given year after year with such satisfactory, artistic and financial results." [keine Signatur] (**a).
The Chicago Tribune Nr. 150 bringt auf S. 36 in den Spalten 5 bis 7 einen Reisebericht aus Wien:
Gossip About the Musical and Dramatic Exposition–Talk About Composers.
VIENNA, April 30.–[Special Correspondence.]–The iron highway to Vienna from Naples leads through the Simmering Pass, [... Landschaftseindrücke, Architektur und Musik in Wien ...].
     I was much disappointed to find that I could not remain for the formal opening of the musical and dramatic exhibition. [... Ausstellung noch nicht fertig aufgebaut, auch die Musikhalle nicht (für 2000 Personen) ... "Alt-Wien" ... Fürstin Metternich wünsche Vielfalt ... über die Planung der Konzerte ...]. A most interesting personal feature of the concerts will be the appearance of some of the following eminent European musicians and conductors who will conduct performances of their own works: Brahms, Bruch, Bruckner, Bülow, Cowen, Dvorak, Fuchs, Goldmark, Grieg, Levi, Mascagni, Massenet, Mottl, Nikisch, Rubinstein, Saint-Saëns, Schuch, Sgambati, Svendsen, Sullivan, Tschaikowsky, and Verdi.
     I have said that Vienna was a city of personages. At a great parade [... Militär, Kaiser Franz Joseph, Radetzky-Denkmal (24.4.1892) ... Besuch bei Brahms (Schilderung der Wohnung und der Person) und Hanslick ... beim "Vienna Music club" [Tonkünstlerverein?] Brahms, Goldmark, Ignaz Brüll getroffen ...].
     Another evening in Vienna, in the building where the Philharmonic concerts are held, I heard portions of a concert by the Vienna Wagner Verein [f-Moll-Messe am 23.4.1892]. The programm included three parts of Bruckner's mass in F minor. Bruckner was present, but he stood some distance away from me among the chorus. The modern school in Vienna counts Bruckner to be its prophet. He looks more like a monk than prophet and bears himself with military hauteur. His head is white, his face knows no beard, and as he stood with profile in view I wondered how much longer he would be patient for the world to make up its mind that he was the Wagner of the present. Somehow as I looked at Bruckner, standing so still and erect and dressed so carefully, I thought of Volkmann, who had harder luck in life than he, of whom it is said that whenever any of his works were being performed he dressed hinself in evening clothes, awaiting the call of the audience, which, however, seldom came. I did not remain at the court under notice long enough to know whether Bruckner received the call of the audience, but I guess there is no doubt he did.
     My guide led me from the Wagner concert, where the audience represented the best culture of Vienna, to another part of the building where the United Male Singing Societies of Vienna were entertaining the Berlin Männerchor. Here was a sight! Several thousands of the best Germans in Europe were feasting and singing. [... Wiener Männergesangverein (225 Sänger) unter Kremser "was by far the best" (Plan: 1893 in Chicago) ...]
     I saw Mr. Gericke, who is just regaining his strength after two years of sickness, consequent upon his five years of work with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He has the warmest words for his friends in Boston and in the United States, whom he says he never can forget. [... 25.4.1892 Konzert mit van Dyck und Rosé ... Hofkapelle (Schubert-Messe unter Hellmesberger) ...]. The small orchestra was of beautiful quality, but there was nothing in the singing to call for comment. The chapel is very small and service there is much the fashion. [...].
     Now for the opera. [... 22.4.1892 "Freund Fritz", 26.4.1892 "Werther" ... Ausstattung in USA besser ... über einzelne Werke ...]. As in  Munich and elsewhere in Germany the military uniforms add much to the picture which an opera audience makes. Now I am off for Prague, Dresden, and Berlin. G. H. WILSON." (***).
Zu dem erwähnten Besuch bei Brahms kann man am 27.4.1892 in der "Presse" Nr. 117 auf S. 11 lesen:
"    – Herr George H. Wilson, Secretär der Musikabtheilung der Weltausstellung in Chicago, ist nach Wien gekommen, um Johannes Brahms einzuladen, daß er als Gast der Vereinigten Staaten die Ausstellung besuche und ein Concert, welches nur Werke des Meisters vorführen soll, dirigire. Johannes Brahms hat die Einladung des officiellen Vertreters der Ausstellung in freundlichster Weise aufgenommen." (°).
Gleichlautend der Bericht des Grazer Tagblatts Nr. 115 vom 29.4.1892 auf S. 4 (°a).
(Konzert des Schubertbundes mit dem Ausstellungsorchester unter Grädener (°°)).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189205295, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189205295
letzte Änderung: Sep 25, 2024, 14:14