zurück 13.10.1901, Sonntag ID: 190110135

Aufführung von Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus und Agnus dei aus der f-Moll-Messe durch den Modernen Chorverein unter August Halm im Pfeifferschen Musiksaal in Stuttgart [vermutlich, wie bei den Werken Liszts, mit zwei Klavieren].
August Göllerich notiert auf dem Programmheft "Von Dr. Grunsky erhalten. | Dr. K. Grunsky, Stitzenburgstr. 1." (*).

The Baltimore Sun Nr. 130 (The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland) stellt die kommende Konzertsaison vor, in der möglicherweise auch die 5. Symphonie zur Aufführung kommen könnte:
"                     Music Hall's List.
     The management of Music Hall announces the following list of attractions for the season:
November 5–Boston Symphony Orchestra.
[... Soloabende, andere Orchester, das aus Boston für den 5.11.1901, 10.12.1901, 14.1.1902, 18.2.1902 und 18.3.1902 angekündigt ...].
                 Mr. Gericke's Novelties.
     A most interesting collection of musical novelties has been made by Mr. Gericke, which will be performed at the concerts of the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Boston.
     The programs have not yet been arranged for the Baltimore concerts, but is announced that they will include some selections from this extraordinary collection of new works, which is as follows:
Symphony No. 5, in B flat major . . .  Anton Bruckner
Symphony for Orchestra and Piano. Vincent D'Indy
[...13 weitere Werke ...]." (**).

Dieselbe Novitätenauswahl war auch für die Konzerte in New York eingeplant, wie The New York Times Nr. 16151 auf S. 19 berichtet:
"     [... Termine der Philharmonischen Konzerte, Solisten, Programm des ersten Konzerts am 16.11.1901 (u. a. "Barbarossa"-Symphonie von Siegmund von Hausegger) ...].
            IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC.
     [... über Lilli Lehmann ... Brief von Saint-Saens ...].
     Patrons of the concerts by the Boston Symphony Orchestra in this city during the coming season will be very much interested in the following list of novelties selected by Mr. Gericke during the past Summer for performance in the Boston concerts. There will not, of course, be the opportunity to perform all of these new works in this city, but as many will have a place on the programmes as is consistent with the number of concerts given:
     Symphony No. 5, in B flat major, Anton Bruckner; symphony for orchestra and piano, Vincent D'Indy; [... 13 weitere Werke ...]." (***).

Ähnliches berichtet der New York Tribune Nr. 20055 auf S. 28:
"     The Boston Symphony Orchestra will begin its season in Symphony Hall, Boston, under the direction of Mr. Gericke, next Friday afternoon. The dates for the New-York and Brooklyn concerts have been announced in The Tribune, but will bear repetition, in view of the interesting character of Mr. Gericke's list of novelties, the best of which, it is safe to assume, will also be produced here. Here it is: Symphonies–No. 5, In B flat, Anton Bruckner; for orchestra and pianoforte, by Vincent d'Indy; [... 13 weitere Werke ...]." (°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190110135, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190110135
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11