zurück 21.8.1910, Sonntag ID: 191008215

Die gestrigen Artikel erscheinen auch in The Buffalo Sunday Morning News Nr. 39 auf S. 8:
" Great Popularity of the Symphony
     It is frequently heard that the symphony belongs to a form of composition that is practically extinct [... das Publikum denkt anders ...].
     There is now going on in Munich a series of 12 concerts which will continue until September 4. In this series the entire Beethoven, entire Brahms, four by Bruckner, Liszt's "Faust" Symphony [... etc. ...] will be given. To bring the form to ultro-modern [sic] times, Mahler's new 8th Symphony will have its first hearing in Munich on September 12 and 13.
                 Festivals in Europe.
     In addition, the Beethoven-Brahms-Bruckner. In Dortmund, Carlsruhe and Cologne were also festivals, while Gustav Mahler was celebrated in another place. [... in Amerika ein Festival in Worcester ...]."
[Bruckner: 4. Symphonie 22.8.1910, 7. Symphonie 27.8.1910, 5. Symphonie 31.8.1910, 8. Symphonie 2.9.1910] (*).
Ankündigung des "Germanenzugs" mit dem Wiener Akademischen Gesangverein für den 29.8.1910 in The Philadelphia Inquirer Nr. 52 auf S. 7:
     The plans for entertaining the Academic Male Singing Society of Vienna, who are coming to this city on August 29 to give a concert at the Academy of Music, are completed, and the Viennese vocalists are sure of a warm welcome during their short stay.
    [... Empfangs- und Organisationscomité ...]. The concert program will be as follows:
[... 6 Programmnummern ...]
"March of the Germans" . . . . . . . . . Bruckner
          Chorus with solo quartet.
     Solo numbers rendered by the celebrated violinist, Miss Herma Studeny, and the famous soloists of the Academic Male Singing Society, Professor Dr. Raimund Halatschka (baritone), Dr. Franz Urban (baritone), Stud. Jur. Otto Wacha (baritone), Stud. Jur. Herman Gallos (tenor).
[... vier weitere Werke ...]
     Musical director of the chorus, Franz Pawlikowsky." (**).
The Buffalo Times Nr. 52 kündigt auf S. 53 (= S. 14 des Sonntagsmagazins) das Konzert des Wiener Akademischen Gesangvereins [ohne den "Germanenzug" oder andere Werke zu erwähnen] am 26.8.1910 an: "OPENING OF THE LOCAL DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL SEASON
                                    [... unten drei Abbildungen ...]
Members of the Akademischer Gesang Verein, Which Will Give a Concert, As Guests of the Buffalo Orpheus, on August 26th." (***).
In der Programmankündigung in The Buffalo Courier Nr. 233 auf S. 62 wird Bruckners Werk nicht genannt:
"                         MUSIC
     The Akademischer Gesangverein of Vienna will arrive in New York tomorrow morning on the steamer Moltke. [... Freitag und Samstag in Buffalo, zuvor 3 Tage in New York, mittwochs in Boston ... Zeitplan, Organisatorisches ...].
     The programme for the concert is a brilliant one as follows:
[... Schubert, Engelsberg, Grieg, Beethoven, Jansen, Violinsolistin Miss Herma Studeny, Keldorfer, Weinwurm, Carl Löwe, Jüngst, Lafite und Weinzierl ...].
     Prof. Franz Pawlikowsky, conductor; K. K. Music-director A. Colerich-Wien [recte: August Göllerich], at the piano; Dr. Franz Urban, baritone; Stud. Jur. Otto Wacha, baritone; Stud. Jur. Hermann Callos [recte Gallos], tenor.
     [... Kartenverkauf ...]." (°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191008215, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191008215
letzte Änderung: Dez 20, 2024, 8:08