8. Festkonzert der Linzer Bruckner-Stiftung mit der Aufführung der e-Moll-Messe und der 5. Symphonie durch das Wiener Konzertvereins-Orchester (*a) unter August Göllerich in Linz (*).
Im Saisonrückblick in The Chicago Tribune Nr. 17 auf S. 13 (= S. 1 des Kulturteils) wird die Aufführung der 9. Symphonie [am 17./18.1.1913] erwähnt:
"Reviewing the Symphony Concerts of the Season.
By Glenn Dillard Gunn.
AN appreciation of Chicago's twenty-second season of symphony concerts by the resident orchestra may concern itself gratefully with a tribute to the splendid standards of ensemble sustained during the last twenty-eighth weeks and with the just recognition of the conductor's brilliant achievements. [... Lob für Frederick Stock ... günstiger Vergleich zu Weingartner, Nikisch und Damrosch ... auch rein amerikanische Programme ...].
Possibly it was as a palliative for his aggressive Americanism that Mr. Stock saw fit to represent the Russians rather generously; [... außerdem Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, Schumann, Dvorak, Raff ...], Mozart's "Jupiter," Bruckner's D minor, Cesar Franck's D minor, [... d'Indy, Straesser ...] complete the list. It is not difficult to select those which contributed most to the musician's enjoyment. He would be satisfied with Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, Dvorak, Franck, D'Indy, and Mozart.
Schumann's symphonies seem destined to go the way of Raff's. The attempt at a revival of the latter's "Im Walde" was distinctly unfortunate. Bruckner we have not learned to value as he is valued by a small company of music lovers in his native Vienna. Our public likewise is not ready to appreciate D'Indy as the B flat symphony records his ideals. [... die Werke von Strauss] already seem old fashioned.
[... weitere Werke ...Solisten ...] Wilhelm Middelschulte, the orchestra's distinguished organist." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191304275, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191304275letzte Änderung: Mai 23, 2024, 13:13