The Record-Union Nr. 7 (= Nr. 17304) (Sacramento, California) berichtet auf S. 8 von Bruckners Nachlass, der Aufführung der d-Moll-Messe [am 17.1.1897 unter Perger] und von Denkmalplänen in Wien und St. Florian.
The late Anton Bruckner bequeathed his autograph scores to the Imperial Library of Vienna. They include his eight symphonies and three movements of a ninth, a string quartett, the mass in D minor, the 150th psalm, a male chorus, "Helgoland," and the Te Deum. The stupendous mass in D minor was performed for the first time by the Philharmonic Society, under Dr. Richter, last month. Under the auspices of the "Leo Society," a committee has been formed for the purpose of erecting a monument to Bruckner in Vienna, a similar memorial being planed at the Abbey Church of St. Florian, in Upper Austria, where he was laid at rest." (*).
" The late Anton Bruckner bequeathed his autograph scores to the Imperial Library of Vienna. They include his eight symphonies and three movements of a ninth, a string quartett, the mass in D minor, the 150th psalm, a male chorus, "Helgoland," and the Te Deum. The stupendous mass in D minor was performed for the first time by the Philharmonic Society, under Dr. Richter, last month. Under the auspices of the Leo Society, a committee has been formed for the purpose of erecting a monument to Bruckner in Vienna, a similar memorial being planned at the Abbey Church of St. Florian, in upper Austria, where he was laid at rest." (**).
"Hermann Bahr (Die Zeit). | Ludwig Basch (–sch) (Extrablatt). | Julius Bauer (Extrablatt). | Moriz Baumfeld (m. bfd.) (Neues Wiener Journal). | Ferry Beraton (f. b.) (Die vornehme Welt). | Balduin Bricht (Oesterreischische Volks-Zeitung). | Marco Brociner (m. b.) (Wiener Tagblatt). | Bernhard Buchbinder (b. b.) (Reichswehr). | Arthur Bunzl (Oesterreichische Volks-Zeitung). | Vincenz Chlavacci (V. Ch.) (Wiener Tagblatt). | J. J. David (–v–) (Neues Wiener Journal). | X. von Gayrsperg (Weltblatt). | Ferdinand Groß (F. G.) (Fremdenblatt). | Eduard Hanslick | (Ed. H.) (Neue FreiePresse). | Ludwig Held (l. h.) (Neues Wiener Tagblatt). | Theodor Helm (h–m) (Deutsche Zeitung). | Richard Heuberger (R. H–r) (Wiener Tagblatt). | Ludwig Hevesi (L. H–i) (Fremdenblatt). | Max Kalbeck (M. K.) (Neues Wiener Tagblatt). | Albert Kauders (K. Anders) (Neues Wiener Journal). | A. [sic] Königstein (kst.) (Extrablatt). | Albert Leitich (A. L–ch) (Deutsche Zeitung). | Heinrich Leoster (H. L.) (Wiener Tagblatt). | Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn (m=g.) (Reichswehr). | Albert Roncourt (Weltblatt). | Felix Salten (f. s.) (Allgemeine Zeitung). | Gustav Schönaich (G. S.) (Wiener Tagblatt). | Paul von Schönthau (p. v. s.) (Wiener Tagblatt). | August Schreiber (Deutsches Volksblatt). | A. H. Schwer (Deutsches Volksblatt). | Ludwig Speidel (L. Sp.) (Neue Freie Presse). | Julius Stern (*) (Fremdenblatt). | Ottokar Tann-Bergler (o. th.) (Neues Wiener Journal). | Friedrich Uhl (Wiener Zeitung). | Alexander von Weilen (Montags-Revue). | Ed. Wengraf (e. w.) (Neue Revue)." (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189702285, URL: Änderung: Okt 30, 2024, 8:08